Saturday 2 March 2013

Extreme recycling

Just to prove that there are a lot of things that would end up as landfill that do not need to, I set myself an extreme recycling mission. I was delivered this box of pieces that was once a beautiful big expensive pot.There are loads more small pieces than shown here, but you get the idea.

So I stared at the pile for days and days.....scratched my head, picked up pieces and wondered...the pic above was part of the wondering stage.


What can't you fix with those two items? And so it began...

It took many many days of joining piece by piece, waiting for the bits to bond but I got there.

Then came the collection of broken and damaged china, a few trips to the local op shops for more treasure, eventually i had to concede and buy a few tiles, or I would have had to wait weeks or months to have enough goodies to complete the task.

Finally I had it covered. Time to grout... groan,

After hours of scrubbing and scraping, it is finished. Well aside from filling it and planting it !!
One less item in landfill that will be there for hundreds/thousands of years !

Besides all of that, the satisfaction and enjoyment of creating it and the years of enjoyment to come .. well you just can't put a price on that :)


  1. wll ill be!!
    I would never have known if you hadnt told me and Ive seen it in real life
    youre very creative and yaye to you for less landfill :)
